Now it’s easier than ever to use Joomla as a blog, news site, or photo gallery. If you’re familiar with WordPress, this is similar to the Featured Image that you can set for each post. It enables your site to have a clean & consistent look on your Category Blog pages, without having to bother with styling & aligning images inside the text editor. Of course, you can still use the text editor for images if you like.

Note, if you’re using a third-party template that was installed before Joomla 2.5 was released (January 2012): The Article Images feature may not work on your site. Contact your template provider to check if an update is available.

This new Article Images feature is yet another powerful tool that makes Joomla more user-friendly than ever.

How are you using Article images on your site? Let me know in the comments. And please share this video with your twitter or facebook followers, I’m sure they’d appreciate it too!